Monday, June 25, 2012


Or the story of one of the biggest breakthroughs in the field of health

Welcome to my Blog!

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This blog is dedicated to my passion for new health product that changed my life.

I decided to share that passion and you can now discover this latest invention, which is considered one of the biggest breakthroughs in the field of health.

But Before you read the information and videos below, I want you to take first time to read my personal testimony.

Indeed, all these products with "miracles" that are found almost everywhere, we tend to put everything in one basket. We are confused, we interpret and finally, we reject the whole, without knowing what works, what is fake, etc..

But if we give enough credit to a person and his testimony, things become clearer. We do not know yet if it will please us or not, but if someone's testimony is sincere and it affects us or challenges us, we will at least end things before forming our own opinion.


My story with Asea

When I started using Asea, it was just in the mind to use a powerful antioxidant that would allow me to fight against ageing.

But I honestly did not expect what happened to me.

I am very healthy, but I have a serious allergy that is poisoning my life since my childhood. 

My daily routine is about sneezing, and every crisis last for several minutes. 

Be allergic, it is also having skin problems, because of reactions with several types of material which are in contact therewith. 
Of course I tried everything to get rid of allergy. But after 4 days only using Asea, my sneezing decreased like crazy.

This simple fact, that sounds trite, really made me realize that something was happening in my body. 

However, I did not really believe in a miraculous result, because sometimes I also have periods of calm, but they never last more than 2 or 3 days. 

Then 2 weeks later, when my sneezing had decreased by at least 75%, I had no doubt about the relationship that existed between this product and my results. 

Indeed, if you are not prone to allergies and besides you do not know anyone suffering from allergies, you may think that there is nothing to marvel at such results. 

But you probably know that what characterizes allergies is that no one know neither their origin nor their duration, or how to cure. We can only treat the recurrent symptoms and we can try to protect themselves by adopting a paranoiac lifestyle.

Today, I also fixed my skin allergies, and other health challenges, and, like all consumers of Asea, I feel fitter, I sleep like a baby and I recover much faster after a long day of work. 

I am delighted to have made the decision to try this product, and I thank already Asea which, in my view, will change the lives of millions of people.

Manee, July 2012

NOTE:This personal and individual testimonial is made by a consumer on his own initiative. These results are not certified by the medical, neither approved by the FDA. ASEA product can not be considered as a drug or a product designed to treat diseases.


Well, I hope that my story will make you more curious about a product I do not hesitate to consider Unique

Unique under the law, because it is a patented scientific invention. 
There is no precedent and it will never exist something similar. 
Therefore, it is not possible to compare it to anything else.

Unique to scientists because it is a "native" product, which brings molecules identical to those that our body already produces. But as our ability to produce them decreases over time, we can consider that these Asea molecules are the only effective solution against cell aging.

Unique because that product has changed my life :-)

If after reading the contents of this blog you wish:
  • to learn more about product and science behind it,
  • to order Asea
  • to know more about the company
  • to join our associates team

please visit us:

All my best !

Wan Kaewkarn-Deville


What is ASEA ®?

ASEA is trillions of stable, 100% safe, perfectly balanced 
Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a pristine saline 
solution - precisely the same molecules that exist in the cells of the human body. 

Redox signaling molecules are vital for the health of your cells; That's why your body makes its own supply.

But after the age of 12, our cells make fewer and fewer of these molecules.

ASEA is the world's only source for replenishing Redox 
Signaling Molecules.

What is Redox Signalisation?

Redox Signaling is a function that is central to all life on the planet. 
Redox Signaling molecules are created within every cell of the body, and are vital to the immune system and to cellular healing mechanisms.
Redox Signaling molecules are so essential to life that without them, you would die within minutes.

A proper supply of Redox Signaling molecules enables cellular healing process: damaged, dysfunctional cells fading away and healthy, vibrant cells taking over.

How do these molecules work? 

Redox Signaling molecules are classified into two categories: Reactive Oxygen Species and Reduced Species.

The Reactive Oxygen Species arms the immune system, the Reduced Species activates antioxidants.

A careful (homoeostasis) balance between these two species is maintained in all cells and tissues. When a problem or damage occurs, this balance is disturbed.

This imbalance sends a signal to cause the cells and tissues to defend and repair themselves, thus restoring a healthy balance

Check out the product video here :

How much ASEA should I take normally, what if I'm an athlete? 
Years of usage among consumers has shown that drinking 2 to 4 oz. (6 to 12 cl) of ASEA per day is sufficient for normal health maintenance. 
However, when the body is stressed or challenged, it can be beneficial to take more.

Athletes who place high demands on their bodies, for example, usually take up to 8 oz. (24 cl) before intensive training or competition.

Drinking larger amounts of ASEA is normally safe.

However, ASEA is not designed to hydrate, so drink plenty of fresh water while taking ASEA.


Check out the video of recent tests on athletes, here:

Under what circumstances should I be careful about taking ASEA? 
ASEA is proven safe to all tissues, organs, and systems of the body. It is so effective that it might increase of certain messages carriers in the body, such as hormones, insulin, adrenaline, etc. 
If you take anything of this type, carefully monitor yourself and make adjustments to compensate, with the aid of your doctor, if needed.

Years of usage among consumers has shown that drinking 2 to 4 oz. (6 to 12 cl) of ASEA per day is sufficient for normal health maintenance. 

As with most dietary supplements, ASEA is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers.


ASEA Frequently Asked Questions

Is ASEA safe?  
After years of comprehensive safety testing, it has been found that almost nothing else is as safe as ASEA; even safer than tap water, spring water, or alkaline water. 

It is as safe a composition as can be found on earth. It is proven safe to all of the tissues, organs, and systems of the body. 

It is so effective that it might increase the efficiency of certain message carriers in the body, such as hormones, insulin, adrenaline, etc. 

If you take anything of this type, carefully monitor yourself and make adjustments to compensate, with the aid of your doctor, if needed.

ASEA is made of saltwater. 
All life requires saltwater. Each one of your 75 trillion cells is 
bathed in saltwater, inside and out. 
Every biochemical process within your body takes place in 

Because ASEA precisely replicates the conditions and the 
Redox Signaling molecules within your cells, we begin with a base of ultra-pure water and pharmaceutical-grade salt.

Does ASEA contain chlorine?
ASEA is not chlorinated; the proof is in the science. 
Chlorine is toxic, irritating, and unnatural. ASEA is non-toxic, 
soothing, and completely natural. 
The effect of ASEA on the tissues of the body is exactly 
opposite that of chlorine. 
Research proves that ASEA causes absolutely no irritation or toxic response in the tissues of the body.

Is there any patents owned by ASEA?
ASEA fondamental technology is protected by the following patents: 5,334,383;  5,507,932;  5,674,537;  5,731,008;  6,007,686;  6,117,285.
I have salt sensitivity. I’m on a low-sodium diet.
Normally, the body easily handles the salt in your diet. 
The amount of salt in one ounce of ASEA is actually less than in single carrot. 
If you are ultra-sensitive to salt, check with your doctor to see if you can adjust your diet so that you can take ASEA; the salt content is clearly marked on the label. 
If you still have trouble taking ASEA, drink plenty of fresh water throughout the day and take smaller amounts of ASEA more often (one ounce four times a day, for example). 
This tends to eliminate almost all detoxification effects.

I have high blood pressure. How will drink ASEA affect this?
ASEA helps the body take steps toward balance and healing. A healthy diet is your most effective tool against high blood pressure, and ASEA will complement a good diet. 
Normally, salt in the diet rarely poses a problem. 
Reduce sodium in other areas in your diet so that you can continue to drink ASEA. Safety studies show that drinking ASEA neither lowers nor raises blood pressure beyond normal variations; instead it tends to normalize conditions.

Why does ASEA come in a plastic bottle?
No expense was spared in finding the best bottle for ASEA; the bottle is a thick, uncolored, sturdy, recyclable, high-density polyethylene with absolutely no additives, the same kind used almost exclusively by the pharmaceutical industry. 
These bottles are good in extreme conditions of cold, heat, or caustic environments. 
There is no dioxin contaminant build up or degradation, even in strong sunlight. 
Most importantly, the bottle does not degrade the ASEA inside. 

ASEA safe for my skin?
Yes. ASEA is safe and soothing to even the sensitive tissues.

How ASEA is absorbed?
ASEA is absorbed quickly through water absorpbtion channels in the soft tissues of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach lining. 
The Redox Signaling molecules in ASEA are able to survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach until they are absorbed. 
Traces of residual Redox Signaling molecules have been found in the blood after ingestion.

Does freezing or heat affect ASEA?
ASEA is stable up to temperatures of 300F (150°C). 
ASEA survives microwaving, refrigeration, and freezing. 
While freezing should be avoided if possible, frozen ASEA should be completely thawed, allowed to stand, and then shaken before using. 
The stability of ASEA is sensitive to contamination. Always cap unused portions, and do not drink directly from the bottle, as this will encourage contamination.


How to get my ASEA?

Asea is conditioned in a high quality plastic bottle (see above in FAQ) and content 32fl oz. (960 ml), which is 8 days of consumption (4oz/12cl a day).

The minimum order is 1 case of ASEA, containing 4 bottles, which is one month supply.

Currently, ASEA is available in the following countries:
United States, Canada, Italy, England, Ireland, France, Germany, Slovenia, Spain and The Netherlands.

If you live in one of these countries above, you can choose your order method:

1) You order to us and we take care of your request from A to Z. You will get your product after reception of your payment (bank transfer)

Retail Price for 1 case: 160 euro (around 180 USD) incl. shipping & taxes

2) You order online, directly through our website (payment with credit card only), then get your product at your door within 2 or 3 office days. (See online order procedure below)

Retail Price for 1 case: 150 euro (or 169 USD)


Preferred Customer Price: 120 euro (135 USD)
Note: In order to get the preferred price, the customer must be on an autoship program.

3) You join our Team and you get the Associate Price: from 120 to 72 euro (135 to 81 USD)*
* Depending on quantities ordered - Please contact us first if you want to join our Team

All prices included VAT and shipping

If you are not in one of the listed countries please contact us direct for detailed information regarding when/how you can purchase ASEA in your country -

Online Order Procedure (for opened countries only)

  1. Go to our website: and click on the "Order" button.
    (To become an associate, click on "JOIN" and follow the instructions)
  2. Click on the "Create an account" in the "New Customer" area. 
  3. The "Choose your market/language" window appears. For European countries (except Italy) please click on "Netherlands-English"
  4. At the next page, you have to choose your customer preferences. By default, Preferred Customer is selected. It gives you a 25% discount if you apply to the Autoship. If you do not want the automatic monthly order, just click on the “Retail Customer” button (Note that here, you will pay the public price)
  5. Choose now the amount of cases you wish to order for the first time, then, if you choose Preferred Customer, determine the quantity you will get automatically thanks to the Autoship option. The Autoship starts one month and one day after your current order. You can stop the Autoship anytime, but of course you will get the Public price, without discount.
  6. At the next page, fill the form, choosing first a nickname for your personal website and check if this nickname is available. Then choose a password.
  7. Then complete your personal data, your billing and shipping information and credit card information. Credit card is the only accepted method of payment to get your ASEA. However, if you don't have any credit card, you can use someone else card. If you don't want to pay by credit card, please cancel your current order and contact us. We'll find a solution for you with a bank transfer. 
  8. Then click on CONTINUE and follow the instructions
  9. Later on, you will get a e-mail from ASEA to confirm your subscription and you will find a link to reach your personal website (actually, it will be something like nickname) 
  10. Once you open your link, introduce your login (nickname) and your password and it will open your "back office". Here you can manage your future order, (place an order), your Autoship and also, you can follow your order history (order tracking) and see what you have bought before.
If you have any difficulties or if you have any question, please feel free to contact us :

More information about the product, the company, scientific research, or about business opportunity? Please visit our website 

See you soon very healthy with Asea!

Wan Kaewkarn-Deville
